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Knackered Mum from Selfcare Karen

Selfcare Karen

Representing tired mothers the world over!

Selfcare Karen's Knackered Mum should resonate with mothers all over the world - tired, exhausted moms, just trying to do their best for their children and themselves!

Discover my range of self-care products, especially crafted for the Knackered Mum.

Self-care is not selfish

Self-care does not mean that you need to go out partying (unless you want to!) and do everything people without children do. It simply means that you need to take some time out of the day to take care of yourself. It is about taking part in restorative activities to maintain your health and well-being!

Selfcare Karen
Selfcare Karen
Selfcare Karen
Selfcare Karen

Want to raise your vibration?

Like attracts like. That is why it is so important that you pay attention to what you are feeling.  If thoughts create feelings then thinking high vibe thoughts is critical to the energy you are putting out, to your point of attraction.

Watch this video to get that high vibe feeling!

Knackered Mum 5 minute meditation - guided meditation (2021) I Selfcare Karen

Knackered Mum 5 minute meditation - guided meditation (2021) I Selfcare Karen

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Loreal Excellence Crème Universal Nudes 💜 home hair dye 3U Universal Dark Brown 💜 Selfcare Karen

Loreal Excellence Crème Universal Nudes 💜 home hair dye 3U Universal Dark Brown 💜 Selfcare Karen

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Arpège by Lanvin perfume 💜 vintage & iconic French fragrance 💜 Selfcare Karen

Arpège by Lanvin perfume 💜 vintage & iconic French fragrance 💜 Selfcare Karen

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Colorsport London 30 day brow tint 💜 At-Home Eyebrow Dye Tutorial & Results 💜 Selfcare Karen

Colorsport London 30 day brow tint 💜 At-Home Eyebrow Dye Tutorial & Results 💜 Selfcare Karen

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